대한민국 역사의 모습들 - 상업 : 육의전과 5일장



조선시대가 되어서도 시전상업이 중요하였다. 정부에서 만들어 놓은 점포를 상인들이 임대하였는데 서울의 경우 종로를 중심으로 한 도로변에 시전이 있었다. 각기 비단 무명 명주 모시 종이 어물의 여섯 물품을 파는 가게들이 대표적이었다. 

Even in the Joseon Dynasty, commercialization was important. Merchants rented stores created by the government, and in the case of Seoul, there was a city hall along the road centered on Jongno. A typical example was shops selling six items of silk cotton silk ramie fish.


그들은 일정한 상품을 독점해서 팔 수 있는 특권을 누린 대신 관부의 수요품을 나라에 바치는 의무를 지니고 있었다. 아무런 부담이 없는 영세한 시전도 있었고 또 몇 군데 장시가 열리기도 하였지만 활발한 상업 활동이 이루어지지는 못하였다.
Instead of enjoying the privilege of selling certain products exclusively, they had an obligation to dedicate the required goods of the government to the country. There were small exhibitions without any burden, and several markets were held, but active commercial activities were not carried out.


시골에는 상설시장이 없었다. 대신 정기적으로 열리는 장이 있었는데 대체로 5일마다 열렸다. 고려시대와 마찬가지로 장과 장을 돌아다니며 장사를 하는  행상들이 있었는데 이들은 주로 세공품이라는 농수산품같은 것을 이고 지고 다녀서 보부상이라고 불리어졌다. 

There was no permanent market in the countryside. Instead, there was a regular venue, which was usually held every five days. Like the Goryeo Dynasty, there were peddlers who went around the market and did business, and they were called peddlers because they mainly carried agricultural and marine products such as crafts.


상품의 유통이 그리 활발하지 못하였다는 점에서 고려와 같았는데 그러므로 가령 저화라든가 조선통보라든가 또는 전폐라든가 하는 화폐가 나오기도 하였지만 널리 유통되지는 못하였다. 중요한 교환수단은 여전히 포였다.

It was the same as Goryeo in that the distribution of goods was not so active, so for example, currencies such as low currency, Joseon Tongbo, or total abolition came out, but they were not widely distributed. An important means of exchange was still gun.
